User Manual – Create a Store

Create a New Store

The Petstore API can be implemented on a number of different platforms. Designed to provide both management and customer interaction with an online pet store, the API offers flexibility and ease of use.

Hardware and Software Requirements

The backend requirements for the Petstore API include a Web server and a database server, both capable of internet access.

Clone a Petstore Implementation

A simple search of GitHub offers a number of language implementations of the Petstore API, including Java, Haskell, and Go. Review and evaluate these on the basis of their usability and clone one you find appropriate.

Update the Petstore API JSON File

The Petstore API JSON file that was cloned into your repository will have a required set of data that needs to be updated for your particular implementation. This includes the host:, basePath:, and schemes: objects. These objects should be updated.

In addition, if expanded capabilities for the API are desired, now would be a good time to begin adding that functionality.



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