Swagger – Retrieve List of Pets by Status

Retrieve a List of Pets by Status

This wiki page covers the API interaction for the Swagger Petstore API when requesting a list of pets by status.


Because this is a query string call, there is no model for the GET /pet/findByStatus used to retrieve a list of Pets by Status using the Petstore API.



Header Parameters

There are no Header Parameters for the GET /pet/findByStatus call to the Petstore API.

Path Parameters

There are no Path Parameters for the GET /pet/findByStatus call to the Petstore API.

Query String Parameters

The Query String Parameter for the GET /pet/findByStatus call to the Petstore API are displayed in the below table.

Query String Parameters for GET /pet/findByStatus
Query Description
status An array of string values which correspond to the status parameter in the store. Options are available, pending, or sold.

Request Body Parameters

There are no Request Body Parameters for the GET /pet/findByStatus call to the Petstore API.


Sample Request

A sample Curl request is shown below, with most of the Parameters included.

curl -X GET "http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/pet/findByStatus?status=available" -H "accept: application/xml"

This request calls for a response that contains all pets with the status available.


Sample Response and Schema

The following figure displays a sample response to the curl request shown in the previous section.

Curl Request Sample Response

Curl Request Sample Response

This figure displays two records with the status available. This response is broken down in the table that follows.

GET /pet/findByStatus Response Schema
Response Item Data Type Description
category/id integer Numerical ID for the pet category.
category/name string Alphanumeric string for the pet category name. e.g., Dog
id integer Numerical ID for the individual Pet.
name string Alphanumeric string for the individual Pet name. e.g., Rex
photoUrls/photoUrl string URL for each image associated with this record.
status string Pet status in the store. Options are available, pending, or sold.
tags/tag/id integer Numerical ID for the tag.
tags/tag/name string Alphanumeric string for the tag. e.g., puppy


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